At the Belpre Church, we share a common mission.
We desire to be a place that leads generations into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
As we seek to live out our vision of leading generations into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ,
we believe that this relationship will be defined by three main characteristics: pursuit*, love*, and influence*.
These three characteristics form our discipleship process - or, the strategy we believe allows us to lead genarations into a growing relationship with Jesus.
Vision of Christian Community:
The Gospel is quite simple. God made mankind. Mankind made the choice to sin, which erected an impassable barrier between a perfect holy God and a sinful human race. God desired to regain that once perfect relationship with us and make it possible to live in eternity with Him. We see in the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus, the fulfillment of God's plan to open the door to re-establish that lost relationship.
The truth of this simple story is the motivation for each Christian to live their lives in honor of this beautiful, compassionate gift. That is why the mind and its thoughts, the will and its decisions, the body and its actions, and the heart and its desires must all be made Christ-like. Because he loved us first, we live our lives, doing our best to love Him and to love our neighbors.
Together we want to encourage, strengthen, and help each other to press on in this business of walking with God. Everything we do is about making this happen. We recognize that absolutely everyone, without exception, both within and without the church, needs to be discipled (mentored) to follow Jesus. We also know that only God, by his grace working through his Holy Spirit, is able to truly change people. Therefore, we seek to depend only on God and live this life of seeking God together in faith.
About Us:
The Church of Christ at Belpre began in 1933 and moved from Walnut Street to the Washington Blvd location in 1973. The Belpre Church has enjoyed a rich history of leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. The church is currently served by five shepherds: Jack Thorn, Dan Canada, Bob Crum, Mark Kaufman and Marty Clark. The Ministry Staff includes Jeff Stevenson (2010, Preaching Minister), Travis Williams (2012 Family Life Minister) and Ron Laughery (1973, Preaching Minister Emeritus). The church is also served by 6 deacons. The Church of Christ at Belpre is a multi-generational church ... and here you will find both young and old folks worshipping God together.
Our history has blessed us with a unique assembling of people from many backgrounds. Our present finds us desiring to reach future generations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The book of Isaiah declares that, "each generation makes known Your faithfulness to the next." (Isaiah 38:19) This is what we want to be about ... the making known of God's faithfulness to all generations.
We enjoy our heritage within the restoration movement. As a restoration church, we are a non-denominational assembly. As such, we seek to independently interpret the Scriptures, and allow the Bible to be our sole basis of authority. Through this lense, we have uncovered a passion to pursue intimacy with God, community with others, and influence in our world.