Mission Statement
The overall mission of Benjamin Stoddert Middle School is to produce high achieving, respectful and knowledgeable members of society. Next, we will provide a safe, orderly, and educationally challenging environment. Finally, we will empower students with the confidence and the necessary academic, social and personal growth skills to become successful citizens in the 21st Century. Benjamin Stoddert Middle School envisions a school where all stakeholders will promote student achievement that will meet or exceed state and national standards in all academic areas while preparing our students to meet the challenge of becoming successful citizens in the 21st century.
This will be accomplished by:
1)infusing higher level thinking skills, cooperative team learning and multicultural awareness in all content areas,
2)providing a curriculum framework that carefully articulates indicators of successful student performance,
3)use interdisciplinary teaching strategies, computer labs, media center and technology for academic achievement, and
4)promote family involvement and a broader community collaborative partnership to support the educational process.
The philosophy of Benjamin Stoddert Middle School is to have all students desire and achieve academic excellence. Therefore we must provide a sound instructional program based on the developmental level of our students. To accomplish our task, we must develop long and short-range plans that demonstrate our knowledge of subject matter, strategies, and techniques to improve and enhance student learning. The students at Benjamin Stoddert are the focal point of all school endeavors. This includes the staff, administrators, parents, community and students. We as a whole must direct students in developing self-esteem, being responsible, having respect for oneself and others, developing critical thinking skills, and engaging in the decision making process. Development of these skills and characteristics will help make students accountable for becoming successful citizens of the future.
The administrators and staff of the school must provide consistent leadership for all students. They must prepare students for CTBS, MSA and Maryland Functional tests. In addition, students needs must be met by using all in school and community resources. This is done by utilizing all staff and non-school based personnel. The parents and community must be both active and supportive forces in the education of their children. They must be the link in the chain of staff, community, and students. In order for our students to be a success, this partnership is essential.