Our church was organized on January 29, 1989, by the Berea Baptist Church, South Point, OH. Since our beginning we have seen untold blessings from our God. He has made it possible for us to have many ways of getting out the gospel by means of our missionaries, our paper, our bookstore, our printing ministry, and the radio waves. Presently our 30-minute Sunday broadcasts can be heard on eight radio stations in the U.S.A. and on two stations in the Philipines.
- We love reason, but we are not Rationalists.
- We enjoy society, but we are not Socialists.
- We love the moral law of God, but we are not Legalists, as that would deprive us of the greater things of grace.
- We beiieve in God, but we are not Deists.
- We believe in the Holy Spirit, but we are not Spiritualists.
- We believe in the restitution of all things, but we are not Universalists.
- We believe in the second advent of Christ, but we are not Adventists.
- We believe in predestination, but we are not Presbyterians.
- We believe in congregationalism, but we are not Congregationalists.
- We believe in Divine soverignty, but we are not Hardshells.
- We believe in good works, but we are not Arminians.
- We believe in purity, but we are not Puritans.
- We believe in methods, but we are not Methodists.
- We believe in independency, but we are not Independents.
- We believe in episcopacy, but we are not Episcopalians.
- We believe in human instrumentality, but we are not Sandemanians.
- We believe in free grace, but we are not Calvinists.
- We believe in baptism, and therefore we are Baptists.