Teaching and learning form the mission of Bethany College. Central to this broad purpose is providing a liberal arts education for students, including the preparation of professionals, in an atmosphere of study, work, and service.
Bethany, a small college of national distinction, was founded March 2, 1840. For 170 years, Bethany College has been a highly contemporary institution based in the tradition of the liberal arts.
The College offers a wide array of studies, awarding Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in more than 25 fields of study, many with options for emphasis. Students also have the option of including one or more optional minors as part of their programs.
The College's program of classical liberal arts education prepares students for a lifetime of work and a life of significance. Bethany places particular emphasis on leadership and incorporates pre-professional education in dentistry, engineering, law, medicine, physical therapy, public administration, theology and veterinary medicine.