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Beverly Heights Presbyterian Church

1207 Washington Road


Welcome to the Beverly Heights website. It is indeed a pleasure to share with you a little bit about the church that our great God is enabling us to become by the power of the Holy Spirit for the honor and glory of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name we welcome you and we invite you to wander around our site. If you have any questions or would like more information please use the information on our Contact Page or the form below and someone will be sure to respond just as quickly as we can.

A blueprint is a set of plans that gives specific information about the shape and structure of a building. It serves as a constant point of reference for those involved in the construction, lest, when the work is completed, the finished product fails to resemble what was in the mind of the builder in the first place.

The Beverly Heights Blueprint represents what we believe to be God’s plans for our church, at this point in time. We believe that only Jesus’ second coming will mark the end of the building. Until that day, we will work to become all He needs us to be for the praise of His glory and the furtherance of His kingdom.

Our blueprint serves as a constant point of reference for those in leadership of the building of our church. We dare not construct anything other than what He has in mind for us. As time goes on and God imparts to us new and additional visions for what He wants us to become the blueprint will surely be modified and augmented. We view this prospect with anticipation and hope.

Finally, it must not go unsaid that as we make ourselves available to our Lord for His use in building the Beverly Heights Church we do so with the humility and utter dependence upon the Holy Spirit which is inspired by our recognition that “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” (Psalms 127.1)
