Big Bone Church was constituted on May 25, 1843 with Brother Robert Kirtley preaching the introductory sermon. The minutes state, "The church was organized with 20 male, 21 female, and 3 colored members. (1 male, 2 female)".
The property was purchased from General John Wallace at a cost of $7.00 per acre totaling $35.00 plus 2 acres which were donated.
The church was received into the North Bend Association August 18, 1843. The first Lord's Supper was observed in September of 1843.Big Bone Baptist Church History
In February 1846 a church meeting house was completed at a cost of $1,240.00. A red brick with white trim and shutters is still in the sanctuary today.
In May of 1855, the Florence Baptist Church was organized with the help of Big Bone, as well as Walton Baptist Church in 1866.
In 1876 the church voted to build a church in Union at a cost of $1,600.00. Thus a mission was started in the town of Union.
In 1883 a Baptist Church was established in Beaver Lick by Big Bone.