Big Spring Baptist Church is a group of people who have opened our hearts to the presence of God in Jesus Christ. We are committed to the idea that to follow Christ is not just to belong to a church or to attend its services, but is to strive to live as Jesus lived in every part of our own lives. This commitment means that we try to give everything we have, everything we are, and everything we do back to God, and also that we try to serve God by loving others in the way God loves them and ministering to others as they have need and as we are able.
As a congregation, we are made up of individuals and families who come together as one church family to worship, celebrate, learn, pray, fellowship, and serve together. As a church family, we seek to care for one another by bearing one another's burdens, but we also look beyond our own church family to meet needs and bear burdens in our community and in the world as well.
We believe in a gracious God who loves all people without end and who wants to have a relationship with us. We believe that God forgives us when we fail and gives us strength and meaning for our lives. We believe that to know God, we must open our hearts to the presence of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but that we also must grow in that relationship by a lifetime of worship, reading the Bible, prayer, fellowshipping with other Christians, and by serving God and others in love. And we believe that the church exists to equip its members for ministry and to provide a place for us to grow and serve together.