Founded in Boston's Dorchester neighborhood in 1972 by community residents, Bowdoin Street Health Center remains focused on providing outstanding medical care while maintaining a tradition of working with residents to identify and meet their unique health needs. The mission of the health center is to provide excellent, compassionate care to our patients and support the health of the entire community.
Bowdoin Street Health Center offers comprehensive primary and specialty care with specialized expertise in the careful management of chronic disease, especially diabetes. The Center is also an innovator in transforming its practice into a Patient-Centered Medical Home, improving patient outcomes through stronger provider-patient partnerships in co-managing one's health. Bowdoin's approach includes a self-care program, a multidisciplinary care team, group medical visits, screenings for depression and home visits.
Recognizing how social and economic factors in the community can also influence an individual's health status, Bowdoin Street actively engages with community organizations and public entities to prevent violence, improve access to healthy, affordable foods and promote wellness through exercise and stress reduction.