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Boy Scout Troop 539 Kings Park

Life Scout, Kevin Chaves, from Boy Scout Troop 539 Kings Park, learned about a food pantry that had been destroyed by fire and in desperate need of rebuilding. "The Gerald J. Ryan Outreach Center, Inc. in Wyandanch provides dignified assistance in meeting the emergency needs of community residents, regardless of age, race or creed, helps individuals to qualify for public assistance for their on-going basic needs and encourages individuals and the community as a group, to become self-sustaining to the best of their abilities." The Gerald J. Ryan Outreach Center, Inc.  (a partner of Island Harvest) serves an average of 100 individuals per week from its surrounding communities.  Kevin jumped into action by starting his Boy Scout Eagle Project early even though he has 3 more years before he turns 18.  His project involves designing and organizing his fellow scouts to create 180 feet of shelving space.  Kevin will be holding a Car Wash to fund the supplies and Food Drives throughout the community to stock these shelves and sell Awareness Magnets to purchase Food.  If you would like to assist Kevin, please call 631-747-7582.  

Awareness Magnet Food Fundraiser Donated by Proforma Executive Business   

550 North Country Rd, St. James, NY
$25 = 1 Bag of Groceries