Within the Village of Brockport, the Methodists were the first to erect their own church building, although the congregation known as the Methodist Espicopal Church of Brockport was not organized until December 10, 1827. Circuit Riders previously conducted services in private homes, later in hotels or schoolhouses. The first church, located on the north side of Market Street, was constructed of brick with a steeple containing a bell which called people to worship and was also used as the alarm in case of fire. It was dedicated in January 1829 at an expense of $3,000. John Copeland was the first pastor.
A history of our congregation & church referenced from "Town of Sweden Sesqui-Centennial Celebration, 1814 -1964", a commemorative booklet, created and instituted entirely by community volunteers. Also used were historical materials found in the BUM Church Library: Brockport United Methodist Church Historical Records booklet, which contains information from "125 years of Methodism", "150 years of Methodism", Trustees books, Ladies Aid Society minutes, Probationer's Companion, Commemorative bulletins & SUNY Brockport Library articles from the Brockport Republic newspaper, Brockport, NY.: A narrative of that place (and the place of this narrative) (author believed to be Mary Smith).
Pastor's Study 585–395–9897.