1. The Bible is God's Holy Word. It is divinely inspired and is God's revelation of Himself
2. God is bigger than we can imagine. He reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with each having a distinct personal attributes, but with out division of His nature, essence or being.
3. Jesus is God revealing Himself to us.
4. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God that lives in and through us.
5. Nothing in the Universe "just happened". God spoke it all into existence.
6. Salvation is by GRACE, a gift from God and not by anything we could do to receive it.
7. Faith is the only way we receive salvation. Faith that Jesus died on a cross, was then buried and on the third day He rose from the grave. God's actions through Jesus restores the relationship that was broken by sin. Faith is the only way to grow in our relationship with God.
8. God has allowed evil to provide us with a choice. God can bring good out of evil events and He promises victory to those who choose Him.
9. Heaven and Hell are real places. Death is a beginning, not an end for those who know Jesus as their Savior.
10. The church is here to serve people like Jesus served people.