Our History
Calvary Baptist Church began meeting in the DeMars Youth Center Building located in Peterson Park in Mattoon, Illinois in 1971 led by Pastor Bill Carter. In September of that same year, Pastor Carter resigned and the church called Jacob Frederick to be the pastor.
Under the leadership of Pastor Frederick the church grew and was able to purchase the building at 2201 Western Avenue.
In 1979, Pastor Frederick resigned and the church called Pastor James Adams to be their pastor. Pastor Adams was in that position until 1981.
In 1981, the church called George Fritschle to be the pastor. Under the leadership of Pastor Fritschle, the church established Heritage Christian Academy. Calvary Baptist Church was able to purchase the building at 717 Front St in Gays, Illinois, a former public school building, to serve as a home for the academy. Pastor Fritschle remained pastor and administrator of the school until 1991. After Pastor Fritschle resigned, Bro Curt Nicholson became interim pastor and principal of the academy until the Lord provided a replacement for Pastor Fritschle.
In January 1992, the church called Jacob Frederick to be their pastor once again. Bro Nicholson remained principal of the school for many years. Under the direction of Pastor Frederick, the name of the academy was changed to Heritage Baptist Academy.
The church purchased the building at 814 Front Street in Gays, Illinois on April 6, 1998. The church moved to that location a few months later. The building on Western Avenue in Mattoon was sold.
As the church grew, they were able to remodel the gymnasium in the school building and make it into an auditorium for the church. The church moved to that location in August of 2003. Pastor Frederick retired in 2008 after 22 years of serving the Lord as Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church.
The church called Layne Lashley to be their pastor in July of 2008. Pastor Lashley is looking forward to what the Lord can accomplish through this local church to reach the world for Christ.