Welcome to the Cathedral of Christ the King. We are the Cathedral for the Diocese of Lexington, KY and as such, our Pastor is the Bishop of Lexington - currently Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv.
We are a Roman Catholic parish that seeks transformation by the Holy Spirit to a parish focused on evangelizing, forming, equipping and sending forth missionary disciples of Jesus Christ into the world. We desire to become a parish focused on mission rather than maintenance. And that mission is nothing more or nothing less than the Great Commission given to the Church by Jesus himself. Our mission statement reflects our desire to lay down our lives, to "drop our nets" and follow after Jesus as His disciples:
“We are a parish dedicated to living and spreading the power of the Eucharist and the Joy of the Gospel. We are dedicated to parish-wide formation as intentional disciples so that all will be equipped to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission in our homes, Church, and world:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” – Matthew 28:19-20
This transformation is about making sure everything we do, every aspect of parish life, from the youngest to the oldest, and encompassing all ministries and activities of the Parish, revolves around helping every one of our members to discover their call and annointing as a disciple of Jesus Christ, then to form and equip them as they discover their place in Jesus’ great mission to draw all people to himself. We welcome all seekers to come and be part of this great story of Jesus as it unfolds in and around us here at the Cathedral parish, and through us into our community.