The school was founded in 1962. Chappaqua Friends Nursery School strives to nurture and creatively educate young children, expanding their understanding of themselves, each other, and the world in which they live. The School, which is under the care of Chappaqua Friends Meeting, embraces the Quaker vision of education: intellectual curiosity, experiential learning, kindness, simplicity, community, and respect for all.
About Us:
At Chappaqua Friends Nursery School children expand their knowledge and understanding of the world and of themselves through interactive exploration and discovery. Language arts, science and early mathematical thinking skills are developed through constructive play, hands-on nature study, and creative art projects, as well as through dramatic play, stories, picture-journals, group sharing times, music and movement. The school’s goals include helping children grow in their ability to initiate and sustain meaningful, creative play; deepening children’s understanding of what it means to be a friend; improving children’s skills at managing conflicts and disappointments successfully; and teaching children to be both thoughtful listeners and contributing members of a group. CFNS is a non-sectarian nursery school, managed under the care of the Chappaqua Friends Meeting (Quakers). CFNS adheres to the Quaker principles of simplicity, equality and respect for all. Two morning classes, one for three and one for four year-olds, run from 9:00-11:45. An afternoon Pre-K class, for older 4’s and young 5’s, runs from 12:15-3:00. The school year goes from September through early June. An optional six-week Summer Friends session is available in June & July.
At Chappaqua Friends Nursery School in Chappaqua, New York, children expand their knowledge and understanding of the world and of themselves through interactive exploration and discovery. Language arts, science and early mathematical thinking skills develop through meaningful conversations, storytelling, productive play, hands-on nature study and art experiences, as well as through dramatic play, children's literature, picture journals, group sharing times, music and movement.