On Labor Day weekend, 1996, 60 people met in the Bear Lake pavilion at Cherry Log Mountain to hold a worship service in the tradition of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Dr. Fred Craddock preached at that service, and the group continued to meet, monthly at first, then weekly, eventually forming Cherry Log Christian Church. The congregation opened its charter on Easter Sunday, March 30, 1997. The charter remained open for one year with people signing as charter, or founding, members. The congregation closed its charter on Easter, April 12, 1998 with 80 founding members.
The excitement and growth continues today as worship attendance and membership increase. The church is located on APD Highway 515 near the entrance to Cherry Log Mountain.
Membership in Cherry Log Christian Church is open to anyone who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Those who wish to join may come forward during the last hymn either to make confession of faith or to transfer membership from another congregation. The congregation also offers associate membership to those who not only wish to join in the work here as members but, due to either longstanding affiliation with another congregation or part time residence in the area, also wish to retain membership in their home church.