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Chicharra Poetry Slam Festival

In the southwest, if you say the word cicada, most people won't know what you mean. Around here we call these little beauties chicharras. (pronounced Chee-char-ah)

In 2024, the year of our inaugural event, the world saw a rare dual emergence - two massive broods of cicadas emerging at the same time - an event which only happens every 221 years.

We like to think our own emergence was a similarly beautiful occurrence.

Like the emergence of cicadas, the Chicharra Poetry Slam Festival is also a spring phenomenon, filling trees and city streets with the music of life emerging from deep underground. Gathering the top poets & spoken word artists from around the nation for 3 days of team & individual competition, creative expression, open mics elevating marginalized voices, special events, art and community - the Chicharra is a celebration of all that poetry inspires!

Showcasing incredible national talent, we aim to deliver a high intensity display of verbal virtuosity and dynamic performance while fostering safe spaces for artists of all ages and identities. We believe every human being has the right to live without fear, apology or shame.

Whether you register to compete, or simply want to attend the free events; everyone, everywhere is invited to participate!

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Chicharra Poetry Slam Festival 2025

Join us for the Chicharra Poetry Slam Festival All events, with the exception of Finals Stage on Saturday, March 22nd are free and anyone may participate in the workshops or open mics and readings, even if you are not a competing poet! Schedule of…

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