The Chinese Language School of Connecticut is committed to providing excellence in Chinese language instruction services. Our mission is to create and offer educational programs that enable learners to discover and develop an appreciation for the evolving richness of the Chinese language and culture.
We seek to serve as a bridge between our students and clients and the larger Chinese learning community by offering our Chinese language and culture program, enrichment programs, tutoring services, homework support, corporate training and consultation services.
About Us:
The Chinese Language School of Connecticut is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching Mandarin Chinese as a second language to children.
Our activity-based curriculum enables students to acquire practical communication skills, develop competence and confidence, and experience the joy of learning another language. Through early exposure to Chinese, the school seeks to provide students with a foundation for future learning and cultivate their long-term interest in the language, culture and traditions of China.
Our school is open to everyone. You don't need to be a native Chinese speaker or have a Chinese background to attend.
We are not affiliated with any political or lobbying organizations and do not discriminate.