CCAME Church History
Inspired by Christ's promise to peter, pastor C.O.Adams,Jk, had a vision to built a house of worship into the Lord.With no land, no building and very little finance,Pastor Adams knew that jesus had to be that rock.Appointed by Bishop Donald George Kenneth Ming at the 126th session of the north Georgia Annual Conference in May of 2000, Pastor Adams became the pastor of this new intiative. There were several names suggested for this new initiative, but the Lord moved through Mrs.Ming to name the church Christ Community African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Bound by the word and clothed in the amour of God, along with his followers, Pastor adams set out to find a building to hold services. With no funds, no members, no resources, no building and no place to worship, the good people at Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church allowed us to rent their facilities. At the first Service at Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church, the church witnessed a miraculous beginning when 127 people joined the Christ community AME Church family.
The membership of Christ Community AME Church, with no resources available for a worship experience, purchased a PA system, drums, Communion set, piano and a van for transportation. We worshipped at Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church from May through September when we again found ourselves homeless because we praised the lord in such a boisterous manner (we were too loud).
The Lord inspired the pastor to appoint a few saints in the army to find a building where we could worship. These saints found the present building at 4154 East Ponce DeLeon Avenue and showed it to the pastor. With the vision the Lord gave the pastor, where everyone else saw a church – one with a sanctuary, pews, altar rail, choir stand, stained glass windows, steeple - the whole works. Under the direction of the Lord, Pastor Adams and this congregation of devoted Christians were able to transform the building into what it is today.
All along the way there were tests and wildness experiences, but the Lord continued to show the people of Christ community that he was at work. Whenever the devil tried to come in and discourage the people, God stepped in and took over. There were laws that were overlooked, labor that was given freely, materials donated when needed and any adversity that came along was miraculously taken care by the lord. We were able to purchase pews, pulpit furniture, an organ, stained glass windows and erect a steeple- all with resources provided by God.
God is good!
On November 19, 2000, Bishop Frank C.Cummi gs dedicated the present Worship Center to be used for the spreading of Christian Ministry. A couple of our soldiers were chosen to take a flight to be with the Lord. We honor and remember them by dedicating rooms in the First Unit in their name. We have the Bro.John Bins Sunday School Room and the Bro.Charles Webmaster Kitchen. The C.O.Adams Office Suite contains the Pastor's Study, the Secretary's office and the Finance ZRoom. This area also houses the office of the Christian Education Director, the Rev.Nathaniel Kendrick Exercise Room, a large Fellowship Hall and the restroom facilites.
Today we are praising and shouting strong, and making a joyful noise unto the Lord.Pastor Adams had a vision and he stepped out on faith.Christ Community is a witness of that faith and we're standing on the rock. Jesus is that rock, it is His light we followed. Come walk wlth us in that light , for tomorrow's vision is even greater than what you see today.