With Christian Companion Senior Care, you can stay in the comfort and security of your own home. It's difficult to compete with the daily demands of life when your mobility is more limited. But you don't have to lose your independence! Christian Companion can help. Our experienced, well-trained staff is available anytime, day or night, to provide the assistance you need.
As important as what we do is how we do it! Seeing you as a precious individual created in the image of God makes all the difference. A steady hand, a bright smile and a willingness to go the extra mile for you or your loved one -- these are the qualities of a caregiver motivated by God's love. When it comes to home care, the quality and the character of your caregiver means everything! So, when your love demands the very best, you can count on Christian Companion Senior Care.
Why include faith in your caregiving services? Because a strong, vibrant faith contributes to both physical and mental health. Seniors who have a strong faith are less depressed; may extend their life by seven years or more; have a 40 percent lower risk of high blood pressure; and, report a higher overall satisfaction with life.
Want proof? Visit our Web site at ChristianSeniorCare.com. We have documented the clinical studies that find faith to be a profoundly positive factor in the lives of seniors.
Christian Companion Senior Care carefully selects dedicated Christian caregivers trained to gently minister to your needs. Christian Companion is non-denominational -- we provide the same loving services to anyone regardless of church background. We offer spiritual support only when -- and if -- you're interested.
Call us at (479) 242-2273 and we'll arrange a time to visit with you and discuss your needs. At that time, we'll determine with you and your family the most appropriate care services needed. Together we'll match you with the right caregiver. Care will begin as soon as you desire.