Our Vision:
The Chula Vista Elementary School District is committed to providing a successful, safe, challenging, and nurturing education experience, while promoting the joy and importance of learning for all our children.
Our children are high-achieving innovative thinkers. They are multiliterate, self-reliant, and confident. They have a lifelong love of learning and are socially responsible citizens. The District takes pride in developing each child's full potential, while recognizing his or her uniqueness.
We value and find strength in our diversity. Learning is meaningful and relevant, connected with each child's individual needs, ethics, culture, and experiences and is linked with the world outside the classroom.
Families, staff, and our entire community are full partners actively working in a collaborative manner for the benefit of each child's education. Together we have an investment in our District's Vision and believe a child's success equals our success. We ensure an environment in which everyone is valued and treated with dignity and respect. Everyone assumes responsibility for the success of the school community.
The entire educational community accepts the challenge of change and is motivated to acquire skills and values for a rapidly changing world. We create dynamic learning experiences by supporting and encouraging excellent teaching and the educational growth of family and staff.
The Chula Vista Elementary School District community is dedicated to instilling hope for the future so that today's children will share their vision with future generations.