Our church is a successfully aligned congregation of two denominations: The United Church of Christ (UCC) and the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ (DOC)
A Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) church was founded in south Santa Ana as the Orange Avenue Church in 1928. By 1956 it became the Camile Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Disciples of Christ began on the frontiers of early American history. Unity based on Christ was the driving spirit against the divisive nature of Protestantism at that time.A UCC congregation was founded at the present location in 1964 as the Church of the Foothills. The UCC is a merger of several streams of Protestant faith– Congregational, Christian, Evangelical and Reformed. The Pilgrims and Harvard Univ. are part of our early American heritage.
In 1987, Church of the Foothills and the Camile Christian Church became a successfully “dually aligned” congregation within the two faith traditions. The merger has resulted in an authentic ecumenical witness that welcomes people of all faith traditions, as well as, seekers of no religious background, thereby creating a diverse and exciting fellowship.
Both our denominations practice: