The History of Caruthersville
Caruthersville, the county seat of Pemiscot County, lies deep in Missouri's bootheel on the Mississippi River. The word "Pemiscot" comes from an Indian word meaning "liquid mud". This is not inappropriate, since Mississippi waters have frequently flooded the flatlands. While those waters have brought disaster to Caruthersville homes they have also attracted people to the region because of the fertile alluvial land they have helped to create.
Indians inhabited the land around Caruthersville before white men came they were part of the civilization that built huge earth mounds throughout the Mississippi Valley. One such land mass remains, rising 270 feet above sea level about four miles southwest of Caruthersville. It stands in sharp contrast to the surrounding delta-like plain.
John Hardeman Walker and George W. Bushey laid out the town of Caruthersville in 1857. The town was named to honor Sam Caruthers, who first represented the area in Congress. The City of Caruthersville was incorportated on May 18, 1874.
In 1893, Missouri's General Assembly created the Saint Francis Levee District to alleviate that part of the Saint Francis basin lying within the counties of Dunklin, New Madrid and Pemiscot. This act authorized taxes for the purpose of building, repairing, protecting and maintaining levees in the district.
Sterling Price Reynolds (1861-1968) a highly regarded citizen of Caruthersville devoted his working life to draining the swamps in the Saint Francis Levee District and protecting the city from flooding. He created the Little River Drainage District which helped turn the bog laden area into rich cotton producing soil. Eventually Reynolds became Chief Engineer for the Saint Francis Levee a position he held until his retirement at age 101. Caruthersville paid tribute to him at that time by dedicating a park in his honor.
In February, 1969 construction began on a bridge across the Mississippi at Caruthersville. Completed in 1976, it is the only bridge to cross the Mississippi River between Cairo, Illinois and Memphis, Tennessee.
Since incorporation Caruthersville's administration and citizenry have made a determined effort to make the city a progressive community, while enhancing the quality of life for everyone.