About Us:
The backbone of the community is its industries, with Coldspring being foremost. It is the world’s largest supplier of industrial granites. Another longtime industry is the Cold Spring Brewing Company, one of the few remaining independent breweries in the state. There is also a Gold ‘n Plump chicken processing plant located in Cold Spring, shipping chicken to most of the upper Midwest and other places as exotic as China. The Cold Spring Bakery has been in business for over 50 years and is a major landmark in the city.
Once a resting or stopping point on the Red River Oxen Trail used first by priests on the migrating travels, Cold Spring appealed to those same gentlemen who wrote to their homeland describing a land much like their German countryside. The stirring letters brought German settlers with their strong work and religious ethics, and a hearty community was formed.
Working hard leads to playing with equal gusto, and the residents of Cold Spring are no exception. Year round sports activities abound. Groomed snowmobile trails, and nearby cross-country as well as downhill ski lodges are part of the winter scene, as well as bowling, ice fishing and spearing. In summer two golf courses provide health exercise and challenges to add to the attraction of boating, water skiing, and fishing.
Resorts are only minutes away from downtown shops that offer friendly, personal service and a variety of unique goods. Restaurants with a variety of specialties can be found in Cold Spring, for fine dining at any hour. Located within the city also is a Bed & Breakfast with an atmosphere harkening back to the first settlers, and a very modern motel that boasts a pool, sauna and whirlpool, situated on the Sauk River.
A walking tour of Cold Spring will furnish you with several homes on the National Historic Homes Registry, as well as several lovely parks and other amenities such as tennis courts, softball fields, and a fine library, a branch of the Great River Regional Library. A trip to the Assumption Chapel, also known as the “Grasshopper Chapel” is both an interesting and touching experience. Cold Spring boasts one of the finest amateur baseball facilities in the state, and the Springers baseball team has made more state appearances than any other team.
Cold Spring, with an eye to the future, is maintaining that special “Hometown Pride” while experiencing an orderly growth. A drive through city streets shows a safe, attractive environment with ‘down home’ friendliness.