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City Of Key West

1300 White Street

About Us:

The City of Key West--a celebration of diversity, one human family, and rich tradition. The culture, passion, and lifestyles of our citizens have embraced tourists and visitors abroad. It is this open door policy that the families and individuals of Key West sustain year round to welcome others.

The City of Key West is a rare, melting pot of talented community members. Our family has suffered an incredible test of will and strength with the arrival of an active hurricane season, lastly Hurricane Wilma. Our community and citizens have sustained financial setbacks and obstacles that have posed a new challenge for our island.

Despite these obstacles, the renewal and rebuilding of a city has begun vigorously. We are excited that the heart of Key West remains strong. We challenge every community member to become an active part of their city. We are a neighborhood united by a love for diversity and community. Malling Address:  Post Box No.1409