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300 Main Street
Known only as "opposite Little Rock" until the Civil War, North Little Rock grew as a crossroads that linked river and overland traffic. In 1866, surveyed and platted, an unincorporated town of mills, factories, hotels and saloons became known as the town of Argenta. In 1890, the community of Argenta filed papers to incorporate as a city. Currently, North Little Rock has a population of 60,433+, with approximately 53.5 square miles of diverse, charming and affordable neighborhoods, beautiful lakes, outstanding parks and recreational facilities, walking and bicycling trails on the picturesque riverfront along the Arkansas River, linked by the Big Dam Bridge to trails in Little Rock, minor league baseball at its finest in the Dickey-Stephens ballpark which opened on April 12, 2007, the historic USS Razorback Submarine which is open for tours, a rapidly growing downtown business and historic residential district, many churches and faith based organizations, and substantial business, industry, entertainment facilities and restaurants which flourish throughout the city.