The name "WOODBURN" is the actual third name that the city has been known by. What other "CITY" has had 3 different names in its almost 150 years ot existence? Phelps Station was the tirst name given to this place on the railroad where a lumber camp was set up. At the time, the area was mostly timber and the railroad help carry the fresh cut timber out.
In 1865, J. E. Edgerton and Joseph Smith plotted the town of Woodburn and the railroad, so the name Phelps Station was laid to rest. The railroad was the driving factor in developing this new village.
About 30 years later, William Gernhardt and his wife came into ownership of 80 acres of land just south of the village. In the spring of 1895. Gernhardt applied for incorporation of this new village. The name Shirley City was picked in honor of the Shirley Family. With wheels of progress being slow, it was not until April 8, 1897 that Shirley City became the smallest incorporated city in the state.
Alter an election in 1935. the citizens of Shirley City voted to rename the city Woodburn. Woodburn has been a striving city since it's beginning, and our hope is that you will see this progress and plan to visit us or relocate to Woodburn in the near future.