This year marks the 75th Anniversary of the Cokato Corn Carnival. Since 1950, the Cokato Corn Carnival has provided fun and entertainment for the entire family. During that time we have given away hundreds of tons of delicious, free, buttered corn on the cob. The Cokato Corn Carnival committee would like to welcome you to come and enjoy. The Cokato Corn Carnival is a family friendly event. All activities take place in Peterson Park in the center of Cokato. Admission, parking and entertainment are all free! There are rides and games, including corn bingo, and many concessions available in the park. Stipe Shows has been providing the rides and midway for over 30 years!
This year marks the 75th Anniversary of the Cokato Corn Carnival. ?Since 1950, the Cokato Corn Carnival has provided fun and entertainment for the entire family. During that time we have given away hundreds of tons of delicious, free, buttered corn…
Read More »Welcome to the Cokato Corn Carnival! The Cokato Corn Carnival has provided fun and entertainment for the entire family. During that time we have given away hundreds of tons of delicious, free, buttered corn on the cob. The Cokato Corn Carnival…
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