Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, responding to God's call as revealed in Jesus Christ, is an ecumenical and multiracial community of faith and theological inquiry. Embracing the legacy of the Social Gospel, we are enriched by local and global perspectives, and by our historical and continuing ties to the American Baptist Churches. Enlivened by the Holy Spirit, the school seeks to transform persons, church, and society as it prepares women and men for lay and ordained ministry that is pastoral, prophetic, and learned.
Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School is a diverse ecumenical community where women and men from many different backgrounds and denominations can pursue an education that is pastoral, prophetic, and learned.
As teachers in a graduate professional divinity school rooted in Baptist traditions, we prepare ministers in partnership with the churches and nurture distinct ecclesial identities in an ecumenical community of learning, care and worship.
We are firmly and unapologetically rooted in Scripture and biblical faith.
We are committed to justice and solidarity with the oppressed and to fostering diversity and hospitality in the divinity school, in the churches and in societies, in the tradition of the "social gospel;"
We are committed to the renewal of the church and the church's mission in the distinctive traditions of the 19th-century evangelical revival and the abolition and suffrage movements of western New York.
We are faithful to these unique traditions for the sake of a life-giving future for all God's people.
We affirm the integrity of faith and intellectual inquiry, and seek to prepare women and men for Christian ministry that is pastoral, prophetic and learned.
We choose to live and work in ways that are interdisciplinary and that interrelate the church and the academy, spiritual formation and learning, theory and praxis, convinced that making connections can creatively embody the gospel globally and locally.