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Colony Baptist Church

19506 Vicksburg Boulevard

Vision Of Colony

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray “thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. Therefore, the vision of Colony Baptist Church is to be “a colony of the kingdom of God”. We are to resemble the character of our Lord. We are to represent our Savior to the world. We are here for His purpose and one day we will go Home. In the last words recorded by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, our Lord instructs His disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations”. Therefore, our mission is “to make mature disciples” of the Lord Jesus Christ. We make disciples by introducing people to Jesus. True disciples are ever growing in Christ likeness. Mature disciples love unconditionally and minister unselfishly. We are here to share the authentic and life transforming love of God in practical ways.

What We Believe

-GOD is real and actively at work in our world and in our lives. God's love is greater and His ability is better than we can imagine. Jesus is God showing Himself to us.

-JESUS is God dying for us so we can be forgiven and have an eternal relationship with God.

-THE HOLY SPIRIT is God living in and through His people.

-THE BIBLE is God's true word, our owner's manual for life.

-CREATION did not just happen. God made it all.

-MAN, despite the good things he may do, is sinful and thus in need of a savior.

-GOD'S GRACE is the only way for anyone to have relationship with the holy God.

-PRAYER is quality time with God.

-THE PURPOSE OF THE CHURCH is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

-EVERY BELIEVER is uniquely gifted minister with a God given purpose in life.

-JESUS IS COMING AGAIN for His follower and to judge the world.

History Of Colony

Our history is a continuation of His Story that began before creation, climaxed at Calvary, and will be complete with His return. Colony Baptist Church was birthed by God into the hearts of His people who desired a Bible-based, Christ centered church with a heart for reaching out and ministering to the rapidly growing communities of Eastern Fort Bend County. The churches first services were held in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Dale Faulkner in February of 1994. After a couple of weeks, Colony Baptist Church was organized, began to meet for worship at Austin Parkway Elementary School, and called John Wiltshire as pastor.

Early in 1997, seeing the new growth and projected expansion of Missouri City while at the same time a void of churches in the area, the church relocated to Elkins High School. Colony Baptist Church became the first church to be started along the Hwy. 6 corridor in Missouri City. After John Wiltshire’s resignation, Colony called Mark Dean in August of 1997 to become its pastor. God gave the church the vision to be “a colony of the Kingdom of God”. Selflessly the church began to show God’s love in practical ways to its neighbors.

The mission of Colony is to first minister to the families and communities located along State Highway 6 between Interstate 59 and 521. However, God has given us opportunities to minister beyond our immediate home as His work continues to expand. In 1999, our student pastor became a missionary in Istanbul, Turkey. Members of our church have done mission work in China, Romania, Turkey, Brazil, and Haiti.

God placed in the heart of Colony the desire to search for land from which the church could gather for worship and utilize as a center from which to minister to its neighbors. In October of 1999, Colony purchased in cash a four-acre lot in Vicksburg for its church. The church has completed it's first building; a 10,800 square foot multi-purpose building that will be used for worship and ministry.