Since its inception in 1986, Community Bible Church has existed for three purposes: to worship and glorify God, to equip believers for ministry, and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.
First, this fellowship of believers gathers to worship and glorify God. In all we do, we seek to exalt our Lord and live a life that pleases Him. We desire to be fully dependent upon Him, as He leads us to a mature faith, Godly love, and Christ-like character. Central to that process of growth is having a strong foundation on the Word of God. Community Bible Church is a place where the Bible is preached as the final authority for our lives. As our motto says, we want to be a "People of the Word, with a heart for the world."
Second, this fellowship of believers strives to equip one another for ministry--for active service in God's work. As we discover and utilize our spiritual gifts, and as we discern the unique ways God has for each of us to serve the Body of Christ, we are strengthened both individually and corporately.
Third, this fellowship of believers takes the initiative to share the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Community Bible Church has a deep compassion for those who don't know Christ. We stand behind our missionaries on the field, and we seek to responsibly reach out to our own neighborhoods as well. Both in our words and in our conduct, we desire to proclaim the risen Christ, who alone is Savior.
Community Bible Church is a Biblically based family of believers committed to worshipping Jesus Christ, growing together in an environment of warmth and fellowship, and sharing the Good News with others.