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203 Main Street
The Chamber of Commerce is a catalyst – a common vehicle through which business and professional people work together for the common good of the community.
A better community means better business conditions and the Chamber works for a better community for everyone. There is one reason for the Chamber to exist: to do whatever is necessary to keep the area’s economic condition at a level where businesses will risk their resources in hopes of making profit in this community Everything else is just frosting on the cake – simply a means to the end.
In any community, it is from the profitable operations of business that all other benefits are derived. Only by succeeding in this fundamental goal can we provide the jobs and produce the wealth to finance all the governmental, civic, educational, cultural and charitable needs in our community.
The Conway Area Chamber of Commerce was incorporated in 1958, and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Currently, it has 3 full time staff persons, and the Executive Vice President serves as the CEO.
The Executive Board is comprised of the President, a President – Elect, First Vice President, Treasurer, and five Divisional Vice Presidents. The Immediate Past President and Executive Vice President serves as Ex-officio Members.
The five divisions are Economic/Governmental Affairs, Educational Affairs, Organizational Affairs, Public Affairs and Community Affairs.