"Dedicated to educate, and to share, and to perpetuate the art of quilting"
COOS SAND'N SEA QUILTERS was formed in October 1991 to share and perpetuate the rich heritage of quilting. Its purpose is to learn and teach about quilting and quilts, to inform the public about the history of quilts, and to promote an appreciation of the skills involved in the making of quilts.
General Meetings are held the first Thursday evening of each month at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1290 Thompson RD, Coos Bay, OR., September through June. The general meeting starts at 7 p.m. These include: a program of hands on instruction, a lecture, or presentation of quilt related interest; a short business meeting, demonstration, block-of the month kits sold & drawing; an unstructured social time, show and tell, raffle table with items donated by members of our guild and reports from committee heads.
An annual Quilt Show is held the 3rd weekend in September . This well attended event includes:
Featured quilter
Quilt challenge
Merchant mall & member boutique
Free hourly demonstrations
Raffle quilt
Snack bar with seating area
A monthly newsletter
Quilts for Giving
Exhibits and displays at museums, libraries and galleries.
Membership Dues are currently $20.00 per year. Guests can the attend first meeting at no charge.
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