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The Copley-Fairlawn Kiwanis Club was founded in June 1955 and has been serving the community for over a half century. Our members strive to live by the Kiwanis motto of changing the world one child and one community at a time.
Our projects have included material and labor to build three picnic shelters at the Copley Community Park. More recently, we've contributed funds to help purchase uniforms for the Copley High School Marching Band. Our club also donated funds for the school's tennis courts and the artificial turf at the high school stadium. Our members also provided the labor to build a new outdoor learning center at Herberich Primary School.
Each year, our club takes the lead in a community wide effort to provide baskets of food and toys to needy families in the community. We volunteer as bell ringers for the Salvation Army's annual Christmas Kettle campaign, help park school buses for an annual band competition at Copley High School Stadium, assist parent organizations and school officials with an annual After Prom program at Copley High School.
We assist the Copley Township Service Department with its annual tire and used motor oil recycling program. And we join with the Copley Police Department to sponsor a Halloween Party for children at Copley Community Park.