Covenant Presbyterian Church was born out of a troublesome shift in thinking within what was then called the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS). Basic teachings of the church were being ignored, watered down, or challenged. The PCUS was drifting away from her solid traditional moorings toward more liberal views on a number of issues, perhaps most damaging of all - a weakened view of Scripture. Seeking to stay faithful to the Biblical teachings of the Reformation, a significant number of members (quite possibly a majority) of Cynthiana Presbyterian Church, located on Main Street, voted to break away from the PCUS on May 22, 1973. They joined what later became known as the Presbyterian Church in America, one of the fastest growing Presbyterian denominations in the world (see the PCA web site: Covenant Presbyterian Church was one of the founding churches in this denomination and played a key role in the birthing of Tates Creek Presbyterian church in Lexington. Our current facility was built in 1974 one year after we separated from the PCUS.
We adhere to Biblical Christianity as most eloquently expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger (Part 1 and Part 2) and Shorter Catechisms drafted at the height of the Protestant Reformation by the Church's greatest thinkers of the time.