District Vision
In the Cucamonga School District, student achievement is the focus of the District and everyone is motivated to help all students succeed academically, socially, and economically. A partnership between administration, staff, parents, students, and community allows everyone to share the responsibility and to work together to ensure achievement and success for all students. Our highly qualified staff uses standards, data and research to continuously improve classroom instruction. Student success is enhanced by an environment where tolerance is promoted and everyone is treated with respect and dignity.
District Goals
Goal 1: Student Achievement
Focus on, promote and challenge the success of all students to meet or exceed grade level standards through scientifically research based quality curriculum, effective teaching strategies and professional development.
Goal 2: Parent/Community Involvement
Increase the effectiveness of parents, teachers and students working together as a team, through regular communication to ensure student achievement and success.
Goal 3: Finance/Resources/Facilities
Use all available resources to support optimum learning experiences for students by establishing priorities and controls which ensure spending in a responsible manner.
Established in 1870, the Cucamonga School District is rich in history. The first inhabitants of the region were the Gabrielino and Serrano Indian Tribes. Later the area was part of 13,000 acres granted from the San Gabriel Mission to Mr. Tiburico Tapia, which became the Rancho of Cucamonga. The first school was held in a room of the historic Rains House, which still stands today as a museum.
Today, the Cucamonga School District provides 2900 students with school buildings second-to-none.