The mission of Cushing Elementary School is to provide a strong, educational foundation for all children by promoting an excitement for learning through varied, challenging experiences in a safe, flexible, positive environment with a partnership from family, staff, and community.
About Us:
Cushing Elementary is home to 458 4K through fifth grade students. Located in the community of Delafield our school is proud of the variety of opportunities we provide for students within and outside of the school day. Our school has a highly qualified teaching staff that believes strongly in the power of professional learning communities and professional growth to promote student achievement.
We have a system in place for when students need reminders and reteaching. We have monthly assemblies to acknowledge and celebrate our students’ hard work at following our expectations.
At Cushing, we use student data to meet the needs of all learners. Our staff meet on a regular basis to examine academic and behavioral data to create groups and learning opportunities for interventions and enrichments.
Personalized learning and Workshop teaching are models that Cushing uses. Our classrooms have strong reading and writing practices that include focused whole group mini-lessons, guided reading, strategy groups, an increased volume of independent reading, reading connected to content areas and writing, small group instruction, and conferencing. Students have choices within their reading and writing workshop time, as well.