Dearborn Elementary School is a K-5 school located in Northridge, California. It is situated one mile east of California State University, Northridge (CSUN) in a residential neighborhood adjacent to Dearborn Park. Dearborn is part of Local District 1 in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Our school’s programs are tailored to meet the needs of our diverse learning population. Dearborn offers a School for Advanced Studies (SAS) program. In the SAS program, teachers are specially trained to expand and enhance their grade-level curriculum to challenge students who are identified to be high achieving or intellectually gifted. Above all, Dearborn strives to provide instruction to all students in the least restrictive environment possible. Special education services are provided to 14.2% of the student population. These services include a Resource Specialist Program, Speech Language Development, Occupational Therapy and a part time School Psychologist. Seventy-nine percent of our special education students are mainstreamed in general education classrooms for two-thirds of their day.
Dearborn has been designated as an Arts Prototype school. This means that many of our students and teachers benefit from professional instruction in theater, dance, visual art, and music classes on a weekly basis. We believe these activities promote positive attitudes, encourage achievement, and instill a sense of belonging among our students.
We also benefit from professionals on staff who provide us with a creative Math Lab and a Technology Center equipped with 25 computers. We also have a newly refurbished Wonder of Reading school library and Literacy Garden, where students can read for pleasure or expand their knowledge of core subjects. Students and teachers use these resources to create a fun and hands-on learning environment. In addition, our school has received two Kirk Douglas Grants. Our students participate in a weekly psychomotor program led by trained physical fitness coaches.
This neighborhood school serves a student population of 515, comprised of 33.8% white, 45.2% Hispanic, 8.5% Black, 4.1% Filipino, 7.8% Asian, and 0.6% other nationalities. Dearborn families represent a wide spectrum of educational, economic and cultural backgrounds. Primary languages spoken include English, Spanish, Armenian, Tagalong, Korean, and Farsi. Forty-seven percent of our students qualify for a free / reduced lunch, which designates our school as a Target Assistance – Title 1 School. English language learners comprise 24.8% of the total population. These students participate in a Structured English Immersion Program that focuses on second language acquisition skills which include reading, oral language and vocabulary development.
Dearborn teachers participate in ongoing professional development. Through Banked Time meetings and weekly grade level collaboration, teachers work together to ensure a coherent instructional program based on the state academic content standards. Our Literacy Coach and Math Coach work with teachers to support the instructional program and assist teachers. Our BTSA Support Providers assist and guide our beginning teachers.
The Parent Teacher Association is a valued partner in Dearborn’s efforts to provide children with a full and multifaceted education. Our PTA and other volunteers are generous with their time and resources to provide field trips, sponsor programs and generate funds for school improvements. Volunteers also help by donating supplies and assisting teachers and staff by performing clerical tasks. Parents are welcome and encouraged to coordinate these activities in the new Parent Center at the entrance of our campus.
Two childcare providers are located on campus: YMCA and Creative Kids. In addition, there are a variety of after-school enrichment classes offered, including chess, cooking, tae kwan do, dance/fitness and many others.
In accordance with the Los Angeles Unified School District traditional calendar we provide 180 days of academic instruction. This consists of 170 regular days and 10 minimum days to provide teaches, parents and staff the opportunity to meet and plan a curriculum that satisfies LAUSD and California standards.