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20 Charger Lane
Mission Statement:
Since we subscribe to the general philosophy stated before, we believe that we are obligated to provide a continuously evolving type of educational program. The Board of Education is committed to educational excellence through the development of communication and computational skills among the district's students. The Board will adopt specific requirements to ensure that Delta C-7 High School graduates are sufficiently competent in these important skills. The instructional program will also provide a planned sequence in language arts, social studies, the sciences, fine arts, industrial and practical arts, health and safety education, vocational-technical education and physical education. At all levels, provisions will be made for a wide range of individual differences in student abilities and learning rates through the use of a variety of materials, adjustments in programs, and courses adapted to special needs of students.
Each Delta C-7 student will have the opportunity to:
A. Become aware of his/herown interests, abilities and potentials.
B. Evolve a plan whereby her/his growth - in terms of interests, abilities and potential may be attained.
C. Develop and maintain good health, proper health habits, and physical fitness.
D. Become proficient in the area of communications and in the understanding and interpretation of basic areas of knowledge.
1.The ultimate aim of the instructional program will be the development of proficiency in each pupil's ability to read well, write legibly, spell accurately, listen attentively, speak clearly, think critically, use basic mathematical computational skills, observe carefully, solve problems, participate effectively in groups, and develop interest in and/or start career development.
E. Make use of his/her creative abilities and her/his abilities to do critical thinking.
F. Equip herself/himself for happy and successful living in a vocation for which she/he is well-equipped.
G. Recognize the universal fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man and understand and apply basic moral ideals in practice of daily living.
H. Prepare himself/herself for happy living by the development an appreciation of art, music, and literature and by the development of an skills in certain hobbies and recreational activities.
I. Prepare herself/himself for the responsibilities and privileges of family life.
J. Prepare himself/herself for the acceptance of responsibilities as an American Citizen and world citizen.
Goals become functional through the development of objectives. If goal statements are to be more than just wishful thinking, there must be meaningful communication and cooperation between the Board of Education, local school administrators, faculty, students, parents, community members, and other interested persons. The goals of this curriculum are stated in broad categories of (1) intellectual development, (2) physical development, (3) social/emotional development, and (4) career development.