Delta-Peach Bottom Elementary School, a K-4 building, has had a few renovations over the past 25 years. Some changes and additions that have affected the school environment are; internet/server drops for computers in every classroom, additions of support classrooms, DVD players, LCD projectors, staff, computer labs, Smartboards, lobby furniture and “air conditioning.” (A monstrous dehumidification system installed in 2004 to address problems related to moisture delayed the opening of school in 2003) Students now receive instruction from curriculum specialists in the areas of Physical Education, Music, Art, and Library throughout the course of the 6-day cycle. In 2014, Delta was the first elementary school in the District to receive renovations to its infrastructure and classrooms. Students and staff began the school year at Chanceford Elementary School (formerly of the Red Lion Area School District) and moved back into the upgraded building for the second semester of the 2014-15 school year. The other two elementary schools in the District had subsequent upgrades as well. Classrooms were expanded with new technology upgrades and white boards while the heating/air conditioning within the school was along the "green" guidelines.