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DeWitt Community Library

3649 Erie Blvd. East

Mission Statement:

The mission of the DeWitt Community Library is to provide quality library service for the residents of DeWitt, Jamesville, and surrounding areas.

Vision Statement:

The DeWitt Community Library will be an essential asset to the DeWitt and Jamesville communities and serve as a center of community life.  The Library will provide and promote free access to high quality resources to meet the information, educational, and cultural needs of the community.

The DeWitt Community Library is committed to these core values:

  • ·Excellence of service and respect for all Library patrons

  • ·Literacy across all age groups and a reverence for life-long learning

  • ·Intellectual freedom and a patron's right to open access

  • ·Appreciation and celebration of our community's diversity

  • ·A professional and productive workforce

  • ·Responsible, effective stewardship of resources

  • ·Social responsibility, civic engagement and collaboration with our community and library organizations