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Dimmock Hill Golf Course

Dimmock Hill Golf Course
638 Dimmock Hill Road

Dimmock Hill Golf Course is located 4 miles north of Johnson City and is within a 15 minute drive from any point in the Triple Cities (Binghamton, Endicott and Johnson City).

The 18 hole layout was carved out of a virgin hardwood forest and encompasses 149 acres of rolling landscapes. There are 5 ponds on the course, all of which are designed to capture and store surface water run-off. The largest pond contains over 2 million gallons of clean irrigation water, Which would be enough water to Irrigate the golf course for 2 hours day for 180 consecutive days and still have an abundant supply remaining.

The original 9 hole course took 5 years to build and was opened on Memorial Day, 1975. The architect, builder and designer of the golf course is Michael Senio, an Endicott native. The second 9 holes was added in 1996.

One of the unique features of Dimmock Hill Golf Course is the construction of the greens.  Our bentgrass greens (Penncross variety) are generally considered oversize” and average approximately 10,000 square feet each. The greens were built using soil found right here on the premises. The native topsoil was first skimmed off the ground and bulldozed into huge mountains of dirt. Then that soil was screened and the stone/debris was removed. Coarse sand was added and mixed to make the finished soil 50% sand and 50% native topsoil. Because the topsoil is native to the golf course itself, grass disease hardly exists.

Compared to other courses in the area, our greens fee prices are very reasonable. One major reason for that is because we have kept the cost of turf maintenance to a minimum. Our fairways are made of perennial rye, fescues and Kentucky bluegrasses. Those grasses are usually more disease resistant (unlike bentgrass fairways) and we don’t have to continually “treat” our grass with harsh and costly chemicals. Also, the native topsoil is very compatible with these grasses and the native grasses will usually “crowd-out” other grass varieties and weeds which also is a major cost factor in turf management. Also, we don’t put our fairways, tees and greens at risk by overwatering them (too much water on grass is as consequential as not enough water). We utilize modern commercial turf cutting machines by Jacobsen and Kubota and our turf employees are well educated professionals in the most modern turf management practices.
