The original Douglas City School was a one room K-8th grade school with one teacher. The exact location of this school is unknown, but it was on the bluff above Douglas City. The second Douglas City School was built in 1946. The two buildings that made up the school were old Civil Conservation Corps (CCC) barracks buildings from the Harrison Gulch area. The two buildings stayed on the school site until 1974. They were removed when new earthquake building standards were required by the state. The second Douglas City School had 30-35 students and two teachers during the building of Trinity Dam.
In 1974 three new classrooms were built on the Douglas City School site and a third teacher was hired. These three classrooms are still used today. Before the first Douglas City School bus was purchased in 1965 the students had to walk to school. There were other new programs added to the school; in 1968 the Special Education Program, in 1974 the Lunch Program, in 1975 the GATE Program, in 1986 Electives, in 1992 the Breakfast Program, and finally in 1993 our Computer Lab was added.
Today, Douglas City School is still a K-8th grade school with 8 classrooms, a Gym/Multipurpose room, a Computer Lab, a bus barn, a storage building and an Administration Building. It currently has an enrollment of about 150 students.