Our Philosophy and Goals: Children are the focus of the East Brunswick Public Schools. Our chief goal is to help each child in the East Brunswick Public Schools develop to his or her fullest potential. Each individual is different and therefore our efforts must be directed toward identifying and satisfying individual needs. Accordingly, we encourage diversity and flexibility in our programs. Inherent in a democracy is the recognition of the importance of the individual and of the school's responsibility for preparing each student for an effective role in our society's growth, management and preservation.
The skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for functioning successfully in our society shall be developed.
Students shall acquire the habits and attitudes associated with responsible citizenship.
Academic potential shall be developed by encouraging and assisting students to explore and to learn as broadly and deeply as their interests and abilities permit.
The ability to think creatively and constructively shall be developed.
Individual creative talent shall be discovered, nurtured and appreciated in all areas.
Knowledge and appreciation of the cultural, economic and political facets of life in our community and society shall be cultivated.
Students shall develop respect for diversity among individuals and societies, the ability to form responsible relations with a wide range of people and an understanding of the interrelationship and interdependence of people and nations of the world.
Students shall be able to make constructive choices concerning their leisure time.
An effective environment will be provided to develop a positive attitude toward learning.
Educational programs shall be designed to encourage the development and understanding of social, moral and aesthetic values as an integral part of instruction.
Psychological, physical and social needs of students shall be recognized and dealt with constructively.
The community shall be encouraged to be involved in and share responsibility for the continued growth and development of the total educational process.