Mission Statement:
The East Clinton Local School District will work as partners with students, business and industry, and the community to continuously improve student performance by:
Providing authentic, relevant learning situation.
Providing a flexible and integrated learning environment in which all stakeholders work independently and/or collaboratively to solve problems.
Promoting student ownership of their educational process.
Incorporating current technologies in teaching and learning.
Nurturing each student's sense of self-worth and contribution to the school community.
Modeling and encouraging respectful and equitable treatment of others so that students achieve the levels of knowledge and skill required for working, living, and learning in a knowledge-based society.
Vision Statement:
East Clinton Local Schools will be a community of actively engaged learners where all stakeholders work together in a safe, supportive, orderly environment to provide fundamental knowledge and challenging new ideas for an ever-changing world in order to promote each individual’s lifelong success.