About Us
The East Freetown Congregational Christian Church is a family oriented gathering of friendly people who enjoy music, inspirational prayer, envigorated, Bible based preaching, laughter and food - all as part of their worship life together. The congregation is gathered by covenant and not by creed. That means that rather than telling individuals what to believe, we encourage them in how to approach personal faith. The congregation has not been part of any other denomination or structure since its gathering in 1831. Since its inception in the New England "Christian Connexion" movement of the 18th-19th century, the congregation has held fast to the five steadfast tenets of that movement: "The Lord Jesus Christ as the head of the church. Christian our only name. The Bible our rule of faith and practice. Individual interpretation of the Scriptures, the right and duty of all. Christian character the test of fellowship. The union of all the followers of Christ, to the end that the world may believe." The church took on the additional title "Congregational" in 1931 as a recognition of the historical roots of its polity, and as part of an emerging spirit of communion among Restoration churches.