History of Echoes of the Trail Cowboy Gathering
In 1996, cowboy entertainer Johnny Kendrick and historian Arnold Schofield came up with the idea of a celebration of the West in Fort Scott, Kansas. They approached then President of Fort Scott Community College Laura Meeks, and she enthusiastically joined in the planning. She offered the college as the venue for the event, and assigned Judy Howser (then FSCC employee) as the liaison between the FSCC maintenance personnel and Echoes of the Trail founders.
The first event in June 1997 was small, with a highlight being a kid's show with dog tricks. The following year, Jim Hoy entertained on Friday afternoon, and many cowboy poets/singers told stories and spouted rhymes on the Round Room stage in the Academic Building. The event grew each year, as did the Steering Committee.
Soon after the gathering's inception, acclaimed water color artist Gary Hawk was commissioned to paint "Echoes of the Trail." He chose a herd of longhorns crossing a creek, and used founders Johnny Kendrick and Arnold Schofield as models for the cowboys. Gary generously donated the first ten prints to Echoes of the Trail, and print #1 brought $1,000 at our first fund raiser. In 2011, we gave the last three prints to our $500 donors. The original painting now belongs to a local banker. Gary Hawk has done watercolor workshops and demonstrations during our events, and he donates $15 to Echoes of the Trail each time a print is sold.
Over the years, features have included a one-man ranch horse contest, colt starting and cow dog demonstrations, kids' programs, dances, dinners, auctions, speakers on the history of area ranches, women's programs, and more. Some years over 20 performers grace the stage; other years 10 or 12.
Donna Williams, wife of head chuck wagon cook / wainwright Denny Williams had this to say about the gathering when interviewed by the local press. "It's just like a family reunion, but we all like each other." Entertainers, vendors, and fans all say they love to come to Fort Scott because "everyone is so friendly."
The steering committee is dedicated to preservation of the memory of the old West and the poems and music composed by a campfire during cattle drives, and will continue to work hard to keep the Echoes of the Trail alive.
We are indebted to Fort Scott Community College for providing the facilities and grounds and other valuable support for the past ten years. Echoes of the Trail would not exist without FSCC. Neither would it be possible without the Missouri Cowboy Poets Association members who gather and perform here each year.
We also are grateful to the Bourbon County Arts Council for its generous contribution to the performer honoraria, and the Historic Preservation Association of Bourbon County for its bookkeeping services. Over the years, the City of Fort Scott has donated funds on four occasions from its Transient Guest Tax.
Cowboypoetry.com has been more than generous to us on their web site, and Radio stations KOMB/KMDO, KKOW, KNEM/KNMO, and KMAM/KMOE; and the Lyons Victorian Mansion; Woods Super Market; and the local Wal-Mart all make "in-kind" donations. Our annual fund drive is a success each year, thanks to the generosity of our local businesses and individual supporters.