Welcome to Ely Film Festival Version 2, where we celebrate stories at the end of the road in Ely, Minnesota.
Ely, Minnesota, is a small town located near both waterways and national forestland in northeastern Minnesota. Because of its location adjacent to Superior National Forest and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Ely has become an important crossroads of history, culture, and recreation. The festival will feature local, regional and national filmmakers, who will present works that explore themes of identity, community, connection to place, adventure and creativity. Our films will captivate our audience and make them think about the world around them in new ways.
Schedule of Events: Thursday, February 8, 2024 4:50 PM: Minnesota Mean State Theater A year in the lives of six members of the Minnesota Roller Derby, as they compete to win the Hydra, the top international prize of the sport. When the…
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