About Us:
Emmanuel Apostolic Church is an Apostolic Church in worship, Word, and witness. We believe there is but One God (Deuteronomy 6:4) and that One God robed Himself in flesh and sacrificed that body on the cross to redeem fallen man. We believe the revealed name of God is Jesus and in that name salvation can be found by whosoever will (Acts 4:12). The scripture tells us the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him bodily (Colossians 2:9). Jesus is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:13-15). As He proclaimed He would, Jesus rose from the grave and now indwells the hearts of believer in the power of the Holy Ghost.
Our purpose at Emmanuel Apostolic Church is to shine the light of Truth and give a clear certain sound of hope by proclaiming the Word of God with bold Spirit anointing. As sinners that have been saved by God’s grace, we gather in every service, with hearts of gratitude, to worship freely in Spirit and Truth. The family of EAC welcomes all who hunger for Truth and Righteousness to become a reality in their lives. Whether you are seasoned in the walk of a Christian life or are brand new to the whole idea, please know that we are here to help you as others have helped us find our way in this journey.