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Emmanuel Episcopal Church

717 Quincy Street

About Us:

Emmanuel Parish is a community where members are encouraged, nurtured and supported in their various and unique journeys toward knowing and loving our Lord deeply and more completely. We are a community who strives to be sensitive, respectful, loving, and responsive to the needs of its individual members. We pray and work that we may be open and tolerant to all people. We are a community who values the depth and stability of our Anglican traditions while embracing the challenges and changes brought by our ever emerging, adapting, and evolving life together. We do so, in order that we might have deeper understandings, mature and eager commitments to Christ and joyous celebrations of our lives together as Christians.

As members of this community, we will be equipped, encouraged and expected to make our Lord known; to share our faith, our traditions, and our parish life with those who are seeking God, especially remembering those who are the least of our brothers and sisters. We will act toward others with a belief that this community, our expressions of faith, and our commitment to Christ and to each other, will make an essential difference in their lives and that, by the Grace of God, we will spark in them a spiritual awakening and a loving challenge that will bring joy, devotion and spiritual growth
