On Saturday January 12,1889 the town council, concerned about the fire safety in the borough of Lansdale started the "LANSDALE HOSE AND STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY No. 1". On April 26 1889 a group of citizens who had become impatient with the slow progress of the town council formed a rival group called "HOOK & LADDER COMPANY No 2" which would be soon named "FAIRMOUNT HOOK & LADDER, and FIRE Engine CO. No 1 of LANSDALE. The Steever property was purchased in June of 1889 located at Courtland and Montgomery Ave., this would become the home of the fire co. The first Fairmount Fire Co. ladies auxiliary was formed on November 12,1920. The Fairmount Fire Co. ambulance service began in 1926. In March of 1927. Borough Council voted to grant the Fairmount Fire Co. a 1/2 Mill fire tax for use in the operation of the fire company. Today the fire company receives a 3 mill fire tax for the operation of the fire department.